We promote moral and positive use of AIGC...

Value alignment, AI for good AIGC needs to be used appropriately AIGC cannot be illegally abused AIGC cannot be fed unethically AIGC needs compliance supervision Prevent data poisoning in AI training Prevent AIGC from manipulating public opinion Prevent AIGC from eroding people’s thinking and cognition ......

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AIGC is accelerating its penetration into human daily life in all aspects...

overlay overlay overlay overlay
Fake art works
Generative spam
Malicious marketing
Counterfeit content & induce fraud
Generate objectionable content
Deceptive advertising content creation
Content bomb
Brainwashing robot
Fake art works
Generative spam
Malicious marketing
Counterfeit content & induce fraud
Generate objectionable content
Deceptive advertising content creation
Content bomb
Brainwashing robot
AI Compliance Governance
Algorithm review filing
Content quality monitoring
Artificial supervised learning
Content moderation practices
Data governance
Harmful information feedback
LLM value alignment
AI Compliance Governance
Algorithm review filing
Content quality monitoring
Artificial supervised learning
Content moderation practices
Data governance
Harmful information feedback
LLM value alignment

More AI scenarios / usecases that are promoted or discouraged? Welcome to submit feedback


Stay away from AIGC which tends to spread out of control, and return to a better & real life...
